on saturday the 8th of February i spent the day helping out the other group with their project.by that i mean i got strut around in my favourite heels for over 2 1/2 hours which basically means that it was a win-win situation. not only did i get to pretend i was model working it on the catwalk but i also turned into tech management when my turn in the spotlight was over. Getting into the oddest positions in order to hide behind chairs, clothing rack and people so that me and my shadow wouldn't get into the shot was hard work that i would happily do again.
by helping them out i got to spend a saturday with good friends but i also learned how the lighting deck works, how to manage the sound system and how audacity works so all in all i would say that it was a VERY productive way to pend my day.
Plus they now have to edit about 2 hours of footage just containing me!